Token allocation
The total supply of Magic Shoes Token (MCT) is 6,000,000,000, and there will be no additional issuance.
Mining Pool (60%)
Within the Magic Club ecosystem, users can earn MCPs by actively contributing through various activities. MCTs will be rewarded to users in proportion to their MCP holdings. Over a period of 10 years, a weekly distribution will take place, accounting for 60% of the total supply.
Token mining for MCT will continue for a duration of 520 weeks.
Every Sunday, a certain number of tokens will be distributed among users based on the proportionate sum of their MCP.
Initial Quantity: 3,600,000,000 tokens
Lock-up: 0 weeks / Vesting: 520 weeks
The Magic Club team is in the process of establishing policies, including cryptocurrency wallet freezing, to prevent ecosystem manipulation (such as abuse and hacking). These policies will be implemented during operation. The decision-making authority regarding the maintenance of the ecosystem will be transferred to the DAO in the future, enabling democratic decision-making processes to establish policies moving forward.
Airdrop & Marketing Pool (10%)
This pool is utilized for user acquisition in the marketplace, community building for NFTs, and rewarding NFT holders.
Quantity: 600,000,000 tokens
Lock-up: 0 weeks / Vesting: 52 weeks
Reserve Pool (12%)
This pool serves as a reserve for supporting the ecosystem and will be used for ecosystem expansion and stability through user consensus after the establishment of the DAO.
Quantity: 720,000,000 tokens
Lock-up: 104 weeks / Vesting: 104 weeks
Operation Pool (7%)
This pool is used for operational expenses, including the development, maintenance, and upkeep of the Magic Club ecosystem until the completion of the ecosystem's circular structure.
Quantity: 420,000,000 tokens
Lock-up: 0 weeks / Vesting: 156 weeks
Team & Partner Pool (7%)
This pool supports the team and investors.
Quantity: 420,000,000 tokens
Lock-up: 52 weeks / Vesting: 156 weeks
Investor Pool (3%)
This pool is dedicated to investors.
Quantity: 180,000,000 tokens
Lock-up: 26 weeks / Vesting: 52 weeks
Initial Supply Pool (1%)
This pool is allocated for conducting beta testing of the Magic Club Marketplace and Magic Shoes.
During the beta testing period, a portion of the tokens from the Initial Supply Pool will be distributed for testing purposes.
Quantity: 60,000,000 tokens
Lock-up: 0 weeks / Vesting: 0 weeks
Last updated